General Guidelines
The Program Committee of the American Conference for the Treatment of HIV® (ACTHIV®) invites any health care professionals who provide care or are part of teams caring for persons with or are at risk for acquiring HIV to submit an abstract for consideration in the poster program of ACTHIV® 2025.
The conference will take place from May 1-3, 2025 in Chicago, IL.
This is an excellent opportunity for physicians, NPs, PAs, nurses, pharmacists, and medical case mangers (including social workers, adherence counselors and treatment advocates) to present and share unique and/or novel strategies that promote or demonstrate effective, state-of-the-art care.
We invite you to submit case reports and/or case series related to best practices for the treatment and prevention of HIV, HIV-related liver diseases including HIV and Hepatitis C-related complications, sexually transmitted infections, HIV-related opportunistic infections; providing HIV primary care, meeting the psychosocial needs of people with HIV; building an HIV care team, as well as clinic and health systems-related studies or outcome evaluation related to testing, linkage to care, retention in care and medication adherence.
Accepted poster presenters will receive a $50 discount towards an early registration fee.
Formatting Your Abstract
- Abstracts should be no more than 350 words. Use simple fonts.
- Italics, underline, bold, superscript and subscript formatting, Greek characters (both upper and lowercase), scientific characters, charts, tables, and graphs are accepted.
- Figures are accepted and they do not count towards the word limit.
- The data must be complete at the time of abstract submission for it to be considered.
- Keep an original copy of your submitted abstract.
- Proofread your abstract – accepted abstracts will be published as submitted.
Abstract Submission
Authors can submit their abstract electronically until March 31, 2025.
Poster Hall
Posters will be available for viewing throughout the conference. Our official poster presentation timeframe which will be promoted in the conference agenda will be during our welcome reception on Thursday evening from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm. All presenters are asked to be available specifically for this time frame. An award will be presented to the best poster as voted upon by the conference attendees. Posters will also be available on the ACTHIV® website – – following the conference.
Examples of 2024 Accepted Abstracts
Click Here to View 2024 Submissions

ACTHIV® does not make or extend claims of copyright on the abstracts/posters presented by individuals through the conference. Material submitted for presentation at the ACTHIV® conference, the ACTHIV® website, archives or other venues may have been presented at other venues if there is no copyright on the material. It is assumed presenters using previously published or presented data have resolved patent and copyright matters prior to submission of the abstract. Copyrighted publications should not be submitted verbatim and data should be updated prior to presentation at ACTHIV®. Approval should be obtained from co-authors prior to placing their names on the abstract. ACTHIV® assumes all co-authors listed approve their names appearing on the abstract.
Abstracts must be submitted with all edits by March 31, 2025.
All submissions will be reviewed by the Conference Program Committee. Authors will be notified via email of the status of their proposed poster by April 15, 2025. For those authors who have a selected abstract, you will receive a detailed inform with specific deadlines and materials preparation requirements.
We look forward to an excellent meeting and the unique contribution these posters will make to the learning experience of those attending the conference.