ACTHIV 2013 Program

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3:00pm 6:00pm Conference Registration Open

Thursday, March 21, 2013

7:00am 6:00pm Conference Registration Open
Integrating HIV & Primary Care
9:00am 10:00am HIV Integration into Primary Care: From Trends to Training
Speakers: Brian Hujdich, HealthHIV
Stephen Perez, HealthHIV
10:00am 11:00am Integrating HIV in Primary Care: Some Aspects of the Current Federal HIV Landscape
Speakers: Ronald D. Wilcox, MD, Delta Region AIDS Education & Training Center
Ronald H. Goldschmidt, MD, San Francisco General Hospital, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of California San Francisco
11:00am 11:15am BREAK
11:15am 12:00pm Panel Discussion: Issues Facing Providers in Integrating HIV into Primary Care
Moderator: Brian Hujdich, HealthHIV Executive Director
Panelists: Tenya Fann, MD, MPH CO-Medical Director, Community Health Center of Buffalo
Stephen Perez, NP Clinical Specialist HealthHIV Nurse Practitioner, Inova Juniper Program
11:45am 12:00pm Q&A and Wrap Up
12:00am 1:00pm HIVMA Luncheon ‐ “The Policy Landscape ‐ Key Federal Policies Affecting HIV Care”
(CME/CE credit not offered)
Michael A. Horberg, MD, MAS, FIDSA Chair, HIVMA
HIV: The Basics
1:00pm 1:30pm The Social and Demographic Context of HIV Disease in the United States, 2012
Speaker: Greg Millett, MPH, Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health and Human Resources
1:30pm 2:00pm Work-up of the New Patient Entering HIV Care
Speaker: Raj Gandhi, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital
2:00pm 2:30pm Work-up of Patients with Advanced Disease Presenting Late to Care
Speaker: David Alain Wohl, MD, University of North Carolina
3:0pm 3:15pm Break
3:15pm 3:45pm The Pathogenesis of HIV Infection
Speaker: Charles Hicks, MD, Duke University
3:45pm 4:30pm Antiretorviral Therapy: When, What and How to Start
Speaker: Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, University of California, San Francisco
Opening Plenary Session
5:00pm 5:10pm Introduction
5:10pm 5:40pm The Epidemiology of HIV and HIV Care and Treatment in the US
Speakers: John T. Brooks, MD, Centers for Disease Control
5:40pm 6:25pm Voices of People with HIV: A Panel Discussion
Panelist: Gina Brown / Moises Agosto-Rosario / Venton Jones
6:25pm 6:55pm New & Emerging HIV Science: Bench to Clinic to Cure
Speakers: Dianne Rausch, PhD, National Institute of Mental Health
7:00pm 9:00pm Welcome Reception

Friday, March 22, 2013

7:00am 6:00pm Conference Registration Open
Breakfast with the Experts
8:00am 8:45am Case Studies in HIV and Mental Health Disorders
Speaker: Francine Cournos, MD, NYS Psychiatric Institute
8:00am 8:45am Social Media II: Optimal use of text messages, email, Twitter and Facebook in clinical practice, apps for patient management  
Speaker: William Brown III, DrPH, MA, Columbia University
Session I: HIV Treatment
9:00am 10:00am Antiretroviral Therapy: When, How, and What to Start
Speaker: Joe Eron, MD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
10:00am 10:30am HIV Resistance
Speaker: Daniel R. Kuritzkes, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School
10:30am 10:45am Break
10:45am 11:15am Treatment Adherence and Retention in Care
Speaker: Edward M. Gardner, MD, University of Colorado, Denver
11:15am 12:00pm Drug-Drug Interactions in HIV Medicine
Speaker: Ian R. McNicholl, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS, AAHIVE, University of California, San Francisco
12:00pm 1:00pm AAHIVM Technology Awards
12:00pm 1:30pm Lunch
Session II: Viral Hepatitis
1:30pm 2:00pm Update on the Management of HBV
Speaker: Richard Sterling, MD, VCU Medical Center
2:00pm 2:30pm
Speaker: Jennifer Price, MD, University of California San Francisco
2:30pm 3:00pm Evaluation and Care of the HCV Patient Prior to or in the Absence of Treatment
Speaker: John D. Scott, MD, MSc, Harborview Medical Center
3:00pm 3:15pm Q&A
3:45pm 4:30pm Current Standard of Care for HCV Antiviral Therapy
Speaker: Valerianna Amorosa, MD, University of Pennsylvania
4:30pm 5:00pm The Pipeline of New HCV Therapies: What to Expect in the Next 5 Years
Speaker: Nancy Reau, MD, University of Chicago
5:00pm 5:15pm Q&A

Saturday, March 23, 2013

7:00am 6:00pm Conference Registration Open
Breakfast with the Experts
8:00am 8:45am Case Studies in HIV and Addictions
Speaker: Sharon Stancliff, MD, Harm Reduction Coalition
8:00am 8:45am Case Studies in Reading the HIV Literature for Clinical Practice
Speaker: Victoria A. Cargill, M.D., M.S.C.E., National Institute of Health, Office of AIDS Research
8:00am 8:45am American Academy of HIV Medicine Certification Exam Preparation
Speaker: Donna Sweet, MD, KU School of Medicine
Session III: HIV Primary Care
9:00am 9:30am Case Studies in HIV and Kidney Disease
Speaker: Samir K. Gupta, MD, MS, Indiana University School of Medicine
9:30am 10:15am HIV and Cardiovascular / Lipid Disorders
Speaker: Ken Lichtenstein, MD, National Jewish Health
10:15am 10:45am Break
10:45am 11:15am HIV and Bone Disorders
Speaker: Roger Bedimo, MD, MS, VA North Texas Health Care System
11:15am 11:45am HIV Geriatrics for Non-Geriatricians
Speaker: Kris Ann Oursler M.D., University of Maryland and the Baltimore VA Geriatric Research Education Clinical Center
11:45am 12:00pm Q&A
12:00pm 1:30pm Lunch
Session IV: Emerging Issues in HIV
1:00pm 1:45pm Preconception Care for HIV Infected Women, Men, and Couples
Speaker: Judy Levison, MD, MPH, Baylor College of Medicine
1:45pm 2:30pm What’s New in Sexually Transmitted Infections?
Speaker: Laura H. Bachmann, MD, MPH, Wake Forest Baptist Health
2:30pm 2:45pm Break
2:45pm 3:30pm HIV in Young Adults and Adolescents
Speaker: Donna Futterman, MD, Montefiore Medical Center
3:30pm 4:15pm Models of Care: The HIV Medical Home (Panel)
Speakers: :Melissa Scites, BSN, University of Florida
Polly E. Ross, MD, HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau
James Raper, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Maggie Czarnogorski, MD, Department of Veterans Affairs
Closing Plenary:
4:30pm 5:15pm Lessons from Sexually Transmitted Infections II:Prospects for HIV Treatment as Prevention
Speaker: Renslow Sherer, MD, University of Chicago
5:15pm 6:00pm What’s New in HIV Clinical Medicine: Guidelines and Beyond
Speaker: John Bartlett, MD, Johns Hopkins Medical Institute
6:00pm 6:15pm Wrap Up