2015 Posters

2015 ACTHIV Conference Posters

Assessing Non AIDS Defining Cancer Rates to Improve Preventative Screening Methods in an HIV Clinic
Amy Spallone, MS4 and Sheran Mahatme, DO, MPH

Primary Effusion Lymphoma Relapse in an HIV-infected Male
Amy Spallone, MS4 and Sheran Mahatme, DO, MPH

Pitavastatin 4 mg Superior to Pravastatin 40 mg on LDL-C Reduction after 12 and 52 Weeks of Treatment in Patients with HIV Infection and Dyslipidemia with and without Ritonavir-based Therapy
Craig Sponseller, MD; Stuart Campbell, BBA; Vladimir Kryzhanovski, MD; Judith Aberg, MD

Characterizing Gastrointestinal Symptoms in HIV Patients Taking Antiretroviral Therapy
Patrick G. Clay, PharmD, AAHIVP, CCTI, FCCP; Tiffany Surles, PharmD; Andrew C. Barrett, PhD; Richard Perry, BSc; Anna Hadfield, MChem

A Study on Persistence of Macrocytosis after Discontinuation of Zidovudine in a Cohort of HIV-infected Patients
Inski H. Yu; Alice C. Thornton; Timothy Crawford; Thein Myint