2021 Conference

May 20-22, 2021

Join us at ACTHIV 2021 in real time from your home or office! ACTHIV has continued to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our ability to offer a safe ACTHIV 2021 Annual Conference experience. Indicators are that large meetings will continue to be restricted into 2021 due to potential health concerns.

ACTHIV remains committed to providing education for the frontline HIV care team, and with this in mind we are pleased to announce that—like 2020—we will be offering the 2021 conference from May 20-22, 2021 as a safe, virtual experience!

What Can I Expect?

• Sessions will, as always, continue to feature nationally- and internationally-recognized faculty educators • During live Q&A sessions the speakers and panelists will be available to address your questions in real time • Real-time case discussions will be led by experienced, inter-professional HIV provider panels • Earn CME/CE credits • New providers track will be conducted virtually to allow for follow-up discussions about daily sessions and expanded case presentations • Live virtual exhibits will offer opportunities to engage virtually with our exhibitors, which include: – Pharmaceutical companies – HIV specialty pharmacies – HIV community-support organizations

As an added offering, live sessions will be available for on-demand replay to registered attendees for two weeks after the live-streamed conference in case you miss a session you wanted to attend.

Endorsed By

american academy of HIV medicineAIDS education and training programclinical education initiative
health professionals advancing LGBTQ+ equalityAETC midwest AIDS Education and training center

Conference Fees

Recognizing that during this challenging time funds may be limited to participate in educational activities – ACTHIV is pleased to again reduce the conference registration fee by $100 from previous years’ conferences.

Registration: $400 Now $300 New Student/Resident/Fellow Registration: $275 Now $175

What Attendees Said About ACTHIV 2020 Virtual Conference

“Attending ACTHIV virtually – LOVING IT!”

“This was the first virtual conference that I’ve attended this year that has felt like an “in person” meeting.”

“I thought the pre-recorded lectures with the live panels was a nice way to make the conference more engaging on the virtual platform.”

“Excellent job adapting to a virtual format.”

“The tech part was tremendously well supported. I was terrified that I would be out there on my own but never felt that way. Organization of the conference was flawless.”

“Easy, completely intuitive interface, smooth, no glitches. …impressed with the clinical utility of the talks, too.”


The American Conference for the Treatment of HIV (ACTHIV) is the premier conference in the US dedicated exclusively to the frontline care team and its members who are caring for persons living with or at risk of acquiring HIV. The conference delivers information on new developments and research findings that can be rapidly translated and directly applied to the clinical setting.

ACTHIV Institute board members, Program Planning Committee, Conference chairs and speakers are all volunteers. Registration fees, donations, and other funding received for the Conference support the educational work of ACTHIV Institute. Thank you for your continued interest and support of the ACTHIV 2021 Conference.

Should you have additional questions, please contact [email protected].