2007 Posters

ACTHIV 2007 Posters

A Comparison of Adverse Events and Quality of Life Before and After Switching from KaletraTM Soft-gel to KaletraTM Tablets in an African American Cohort
M. Keith Rawlings, MD1, McGhee TA2, Casey-Bailey S1, Pasley M3
1AIDS ARMS Inc, Dallas, TX; 2Absolute Care Medical Center, Atlanta, GA, Abbott Laboratories3
Amelioration of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-Associated Neuropathic Pain with Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS): Case Reports 
Gary Thomas, MD1, Allison Foster, PhD2
1Comprehensive Pain Management, New York, NY, 2Boston Scientific, Valencia, CA
Case Study HIVAN and IgA Nephropathy as a Cause of Chronic Kidney Disease
Jennifer Klein FNP, Edna Toubes Klingler MD, Ejeane Queen FNP, M. Keith Rawlings MD
Peabody Health Center, AIDS Arms Inc., Dallas, TX
Changing Lives with “A New Attitude”
Dr. Karen Gordon-Boyle1, Barbara Cicatelli2, Jairo Pedraza2
1USAID/ GHARP (The Guyana HIV/AIDS Reduction and Prevention Program), 2Cicatelli Associates Inc
Comprehensive Care Clinic Visits are Associated with Better Control of HIV 
Tuyen Hoang, PhD1, Matthew Goetz, MD1, Elizabeth Yano, PhD1, Barbara Rossman, PhD1, Henry Anaya, PhD1, Herschel Knapp, PhD1, Allen Gifford, MD2, Steven Asch, MD1
Darunavir in Combination With Other Medications: Pharmacokinetic Interactions
Raymond Pecini, Tibotec Therapeutics
Darunavir Resistance-Associated Mutations: Prevalence in Samples Received for Routine Clinical Resistance Testing
Alex Rinehart, Tibotec Therapeutics
Delivery of Clinical Pharmacist Services (CPS) into a High Risk OB/GYNE (HROBG) Clinic
Rupali Jain, PharmD1, Doris Carroll, BSN2, Mariela Diaz-Linares, PharmD1, Ronald Hershow, MD3, Mark Vajaranant, MD4
1Pharmacy Practice, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2College of Medicine, Section of Infectious Diseases, University of Illinois at Chicago, 3University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health, 4Obstetrics/Gynecology, University of Illinois at Chicago
Efficacy of Tenofovir-Emtricitabine and Boosted Atazanavir Combination in the Treatment of HIV-Infected Patients Naive to Antiretroviral Therapy
Catherine Chien, MD1, Homayoon Khanlou, MD1, Marjan Javanbakht, PhD2, Paul DenOuden, MD1, Parveen Kaur, MD1, Alen Voskanian, MD1, Charles Farthing, MD1
1Medicine, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, 2Epidemiology, Univercity of California at Los Angeles
End-of-Life Care Discussions: Are They Relevant Anymore?
Katie Mosack, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
HIV Care A Small Clinic Perspective
Michael Cynamon, MD, Medicine, VAMC Syracuse
HIV Testing in Primary C Care, Behavioral Health and Emergency Departments: Are Those at Risk Really Being Tested?
Judy Shaw, MS, Section of Infectious Disease, Samuel S. Stratton VAMC
Host-Driven Clearance of HIV Infection without Antiretroviral Therapy
Wenyuan Lin, MPH, Swati Rao, MD, Ashwani K. Singal, MD, Meenakshi Zaidi, MD, Pooja Motwani, MD, Samia Ahmed, MD, Truptesh H. Kothari, MD, Aelaf Worku, MD, MPH, Norbert Briu, MD, MBA, Bronx VA Medical Center, Medical Program & Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, New York NY
How Physicians Access and Use the Federal Treatment Guidelines
Cynthia Cadden, MSN1, Robb Heier, PhD1, Gale Dutcher, MS2, Cynthia Love, MS2
1AIDSinfo, 2National Library of Medicine
Improving Team Approaches to the Pregnant HIV+ Patient
Marla Shauer, MSN, Womens Services, Washington Hospital Center
Incorporating Client Focus Groups in Improving HIV Care
Hela Issaq, MPH, HIV ACCESS & The Family Care Network
Increasing Incidence of Colateral Cancer in the HIV Atlanta VA Cohort Study (HAVACS)
Jodie Guest, PhD, Abeer Moanna, MD, David Rimland, MD
Atlanta VA Medical Center and Emory University School of Medicine
Long-term Hepatic Safety of Protease Inhibitors Including Lopinavir/Ritonavir
Containing Regimens in the Treatment of HIV-HBV Co-Infected Patients
Homayoon Khanlou1, Ashwaq Hermes2, Richard A Rode2, Rick A Stryker2, Charles Farthing1
1 AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Los Angeles, CA, United States; 2 Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL, United States
Newly Diagnosed HIV Infection in the Era of HAART: Age, Survival, and Serum Markers
VijayLaxmi Misra, MD1, Zeenat Naqvi, MD1, John Eng, MD2, Julie Williams, RN1, Sheldon T. Brown, MD1, Norbert Brau, MD1
1I.D. Section, Bronx VA Medical Center, 2Medical Program, Bronx VA Medical Center
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) of the Pituitary Initially Presenting with Panhypopituitarism and Report of a Single Institution Experience with Primary CNS Lymphoma (PCNSL) Between 1998-2007
Kelly A. Shimabukuro MD1, Joseph Caperna MD1, Erin Reid MD2
1Owen Clinic UCSD Medical Center, 2Moores Cancer Center UCSD Medical Center
Outcomes in Real Practice with Comprehensive Care in a VA in 2006
Sandra Paez, VA, New Jersey
Project HOPE: Hospital Visit is an Opportunity for Prevention and Engagement with HIV-positive Crack Users
Lisa Metsch1, Carlos del Rio2, Allan Rodriguez1, Tanisha Sullivan2, Gabe Cardenas1, Lauren Gooden1, Margaret Pereyra1, Christine Bell2, Toye Brewer1, Tamy Kuper1, Sarah Lewis3, Richard Rothenberg2
1University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, 2Emory University School of Medicine, 3Barry University
Recent Drug Use, Homelessness and Increased Short-term Mortality in People with HIV and Alcohol Problems
Alexander Walley, MD, Boston Medical Center
Report of a Solitary Renal Aspergilloma in an AIDS patient: Nearly two year survival after successful treatment with nephrectomy
Joseph Caperna MD, Owen Clinic UCSD Medical Center
Seronegative Acute Hepatitis C Mimicking HAART-Induced Hepatotoxicity
Olga Ali, MS1, Kimberly Summers, PhD1, Gregory Anstead, MD1
1Infectious Disease, South Texas Veterans Health Care System
Similar Changes in Metabolic Parameters of Darunavir and Atazanavir, Each Co-administered With Low-dose Ritonavir in Healthy Volunteers
Frank Tomaka, Tibotec Inc.
The Clinical Utility, Safety, and Tolerability of Poly L-lactic Acid Injections for HIV-Related Facial Lipoatrophy at the San Francisco VA Medical Center
Harry Lampiris, MD1, Cindy Burt, RN2, Heather Sourthwell, AS3, Mai Vu, PharmD4, Thea Mauro, MD5, Isaac Neuhaus, MD5, Phyllis Tien, MD1
1Medicine/Infectious Disease Section, San Francisco VA Medical Center, 2Nursing, San Francisco VA Medical Center, 3Metabolism Section, San Francisco VA Medical Center, 4Pharmacy, San Francisco VA Medical Center, 5Dermatology, San Francisco VA Medical Center
TMC125 in Combination With Medications Commonly Used in HIV Infection: Summary of Drug-Drug Interactions
Deb Israel, Tibotec Therapeutics
TMC125 in Treatment-Experienced Patients: An Update
Peter Shalit, Swedish Medical Center
Use of iMedConsent to Implement Routine HIV Testing at a VA Medical Center
Beverly VanMetre, MS
VA Medical Center Martinsburg, WV, Department of Veterans Affairs
Utilization of an HIV Clinical Case Registry, as an Outcome Indicator, in a Nurse Managed Medication Adherence Program
Karen W. Cervino, RN, MS, ACRN and Janet C. Novak, RN, MA, ACRN
VA Maryland Health Care System, Baltimore, MD
Week 48 antiretroviral (ARV) response to darunavir (TMC114)/ritonavir and etravirine (TMC125) combination in patients with high level viral resistance
Marta Boffito1, Alan Winston1, Akil Jackson1, Carl Fletcher1, Anton Pozniak1, Mark Nelson1, Graeme Moyle1, Richard Hoetelmans2, Diego Miralles2, Brian Gazzard1
1Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, 2Tibotec BVBA